New year, Renewed me, Same Jesus
Happy New Year and welcome to my first blog post. I'm currently at work writing this on break because what's a better time than the present.
I know the whole new year new me scheme is a tad corny for most but I can't deny I say it every year. This year I want that phrase to be a little different.
Past years have been comprised of goals in which I rely on myself to complete. This year, I want to rely on Jesus. I've come to realize just how little I can do on my own and I want this year to be a year of abiding. I want to willingly choose to succumb to the Lord in everything I do.
I've failed at this in the past. I've fallen into pride of believing I'm good or safe when it came to certain sins. I put more time into areas of my life while neglecting the most important one and I'm over it. It never works.
This year I want to set my intention on this verse “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." (John 15:5) Apart from the Lord I can do nothing and I hope to remember that throughout the year and I hope the same for you.
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